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Be A Peace Commanding Presence In The Midst Of Chaos
by Patricia Cota-Robles
November 2, 2013
The New Moon Solar Eclipse that is taking place November 3rd
will bring to fruition the greatest collective purging of the obsolete
patterns and human miscreations associated with the old Earth that
Humanity has ever endured. This is occurring in our individual lives and
in our collective lives as the Family of Humanity. The Company of
Heaven has assured us that with the intervention of our I AM Presence,
this facet of the Divine Plan is being God Victoriously accomplished.
Now, we can more easily move forward with the next step of our Ascension
into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
though you may feel like you are still in a blender and your life is in
chaos, know that your I AM Presence is in charge and you are
successfully moving forward in the Light at warp speed. You may be tired
of hearing that without much outer-world evidence, but it is true
beyond your greatest comprehension. Remember, you are a multidimensional
Being of Light and you are functioning on many levels of consciousness
simultaneously. In the not too distant future you will realize this
beyond a shadow of a doubt. In the mean time, if you are experiencing
challenges in your life it is important for you to understand that they
are happening only in the very densest frequencies of the
3rd-dimensional old Earth, which your I AM Presence is in the process of
transcending and transmuting into Light. This is true whether you are
consciously aware of it or not. The old Earth is the very last
dimension to reflect the unprecedented shifts of energy, vibration, and
consciousness that are taking place within the hearts and minds of ALL
Humanity. The old Earth is also the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in.
you are able to see tangible evidence of the miraculous changes taking
place in your life, it is vital that you stay focused on the Light and
be a Peace Commanding Presence for yourself, your loved ones, and your
sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity who are so buried in the
painful experiences of their lives that they cannot raise their heads
above the chaos enough to know the Truth of what is actually occurring
on Earth. You have been preparing for this moment for aeons. Know that
the time to fulfill this facet of your Divine Plan is NOW!
reason things are so confusing is because we are currently walking with
our feet in both worlds. On one level we are experiencing the purging
and the transmutation of the human miscreations we either deliberately
or inadvertently created through the misuse of our free will and our
creative faculties of thought and feeling while sojourning through life
on the old Earth. On another level we are beginning to experience a
newly awakened level of Christ Consciousness. This is allowing us to
tangibly connect with the patterns of Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life,
and Transfiguring Divine Love that are flowing into the mental and
emotional strata of the New Earth, which we are also abiding on. These
two experiences are very difficult to reconcile. Fortunately, as the old
Earth dissipates and is transmuted into Light, the patterns of Divine
Love and Oneness associated with the New Earth will become more obvious.
These life-enhancing patterns will be the order of the New Day for ALL
Humanity. When this transition is complete, we will live, move, breathe,
and have our Beings on the New Earth, then the obsolete patterns of
separation and duality will be a thing of the past.
I would like to share with you a few of the powerful things that occurred during our Pilgrimage to Italy which took place October 5-17,
2013. Hopefully, this information will be encouraging to you and help
you align with the miracles that are taking place in spite of the
illusion of outer-world appearances. There were 93 people from 17
countries who traveled to Italy to serve as instruments of God for this
facet of the Divine Plan. This was a global activity of Light. In
addition to those who were physically present, thousands of people from
all over the world joined with us in consciousness.
group flight left from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which is where the
United States of America was founded and the sacred documents for our
Declaration of Independence and our Constitution were written and signed
by our Founding Fathers. Over a year ago, several of us decided that we
would go a few days early and visit the historical sites where these
events took place.
days before we left for Philadelphia our Congress decided to shut down
the government. Consequently, all of the buildings were closed except
the National Constitution Center. We knew when we arrived that something
very important was happening, because the entire world was focusing on
the dysfunction and the ineptness of the only super power government.
This global attention created a collective cup of Humanity’s
consciousness. This in turn created an open portal through which the
Company of Heaven could project the Light of God to transmute the
maladies and the appalling abuse of power associated with the
governments of the world. We were told by the Beings of Light in the
Realms of Illumined Truth that during that Cosmic Moment, the United
States was serving as the microcosm of the macrocosm for all of the
world governments. They revealed that an intense purging was necessary
within all of the governments of the world before the portal for the
Renaissance of Divine Love could be opened to full breadth in Italy.
Beings of Light asked if we would be willing to serve as the Open Door
through which the Light of God would flow to bless all Life on Earth.
We, of course, in deep humility and gratitude willingly accepted that
responsibility. As we traversed the National Constitution Center, Saint
Germain and the Founding Fathers of the United States of America
gathered in the atmosphere above Philadelphia. These Beings of Light
have been holding the sacred space for the eventual manifestation of
Divine Government for not only the USA, but for all of the governments
of the world.
Government in its full power and might will consist of world
governments that are OF the I AM Presence of Humanity, BY the I AM
Presence of Humanity, FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity. They will be
governments that reflect the highest good for every person, place,
condition, and thing in every country on Earth. They will be governments
that emanate Divine Love and function from a consciousness of Oneness
and Reverence for ALL Life. In other words, governments that are in
alignment with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
a powerful activity of Light, St. Germain and our Founding Fathers
flooded the USA and every government on Earth with the most intensified
frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame that Humanity was
capable of receiving. This influx of Light transmuted the maximum
effluvia associated with the governments of the world that Cosmic Law
would allow. This event cleared the way for the next step of the Divine
October 4th
is the day celebrated in the outer world as Saint Francis’ Feast Day.
Saint Francis is the Patron Saint of Italy. In honor of Saint Francis,
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose the name of Francis when he was
ordained as Pope. He has done several things since his ordination that
indicate he is striving to emulate the genuine caring, integrity, and
humble path of Saint Francis.
the Heavenly Realms Saint Francis is known as Ascended Master Kuthumi.
In the Spiritual Hierarchy he holds the office of World Teacher. His
mission now is to assist in bringing the patterns of perfection for the
New Earth into the awareness of the masses of Humanity. This will be
accomplished more easily now that Humanity is resonating with a higher
level of Christ Consciousness and we have birthed a Renaissance of
Divine Love.
On October 4, 2013,
Pope Francis made a sacred Pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy, which was the
home of Saint Francis. Tens of thousands of people went to Assisi to be
with the Pope. His Pilgrimage was reported throughout the world and as
millions of people focused on the Pope in Assisi, another collective cup
of Humanity’s Consciousness was created. The Beings of Light told us
that this was the final step of preparation before our Pilgrimage in
Italy would begin on October 5, 2013.
were told that, in that instance, the Pope and the Catholic Church were
serving as the microcosm of the macrocosm for all of the world
religions. Once again, a purging of the maladies, the corruption, and
the abuse of power was necessary within the world’s religions before the
portal for the Renaissance of Divine Love in Italy could be opened.
Pope Francis and the throngs of people who gathered with him in Assisi
served as the Open Door for the Light of God that would purge the
negativity and abuse of power associated with the various world
this activity of Light, Saint Francis and all of the founders of the
world religions gathered in the atmosphere above Assisi with St. Germain
and his Legions of the Violet Flame. During that Cosmic Moment, they
flooded every religion on Earth with the most intensified frequencies of
the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame that Humanity was capable of
receiving. That influx of Light transmuted the maximum negativity
associated with the world religions that Cosmic Law would allow. This
completed the preparation for our Pilgrimage to Italy.
On October 5th we left for Rome. Our Pilgrimage began on October 6th
with an activity of Light in which the entire Company of Heaven joined
in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child
on Earth. This unified forcefield of Light Beings created a Chalice of
Light that cradled the Earth during our entire Pilgrimage. Those of us
gathered in Rome joined our Heart Flames creating a powerful transformer
through which the Light of God would flow during our Pilgrimage to open
the portal for the patterns of perfection for our newly birthed
Renaissance of Divine Love. This portal expands the length and breadth
of Italy.
the next two days, we visited the ancient Roman highlights, the early
Christian sites, and the marvels of Vatican City. As we walked through
the etheric records of these places, St. Germain and his Legions of the
Violet Flame blazed that Sacred Fire through our transformer of Light
and transmuted the obsolete patterns of Humanity’s human miscreations
and the obsolete archetypes that are still being empowered by Humanity’s
fragmented and fear-based human egos.
On October 9th
we traveled to Assisi. Assisi is a mystical place that resonates with
the energy, vibration, and consciousness associated with the loving and
gentle heart of Saint Francis. When we arrived, we experienced a shift
that let us clearly know that the purging of the old was complete. Now
it was time for the initial process of opening the portal that would
allow the patterns for the Renaissance of Divine Love to flow into the
hearts and minds of ALL Humanity.
begin the process of opening the portal above Italy, the Company of
Heaven conducted an activity of Light that assisted every person’s I AM
Presence to intensify the shift into Christ Consciousness that was
initiated in August 2013.
Through this unprecedented event, Humanity was lifted into a higher
frequency of energy, vibration, and consciousness than we have
experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. Once this shift was
complete, the Legions of Light associated with the Ascension Flame
sealed every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth in
this new and higher frequency. The Company of Heaven said never again
will Humanity sink to the depth of separation and duality we had
experienced prior to that Cosmic Moment.
the next two days, we traversed Assisi and the sacred sites associated
with Saint Francis. Everywhere we went we experienced a new level of
communion with the Elemental Kingdom. It became crystal clear that the
patterns of Oneness and Reverence of ALL Life from the newly birthed
Renaissance of Divine Love were beginning to flow through the portal in
Italy initiating the initial impulse of the portal’s opening.
our sojourn in Assisi, the patterns of Oneness and Divine Love that
will comprise the only religions associated with the New Earth began to
flow through the portal. That seems logical since Saint Francis was the
first to publicly recognize the errors of the orthodox religions of his
Francis was born into a wealthy family, but rejected his wealth to
serve the poor. One time Francis was in an old church, and as he prayed
before the crucifix on the altar he heard what he perceived to be the
voice of God. God said, “Francis, rebuild my church.” Initially
Francis thought God was asking him to rebuild the old church he was in,
but he soon realized that the Church of God is not a lavish edifice or a
controlling patriarchal Hierarchy, THE CHURCH OF GOD IS THE PEOPLE, THE
On October 12th,
we continued our Pilgrimage to Florence, the place where the first
Renaissance began over 500 years ago. The first Renaissance was a time
of enlightenment and played a critical part in liberating the human
mind. It inspired civil liberty and a new
internal order of culture and political development. It was the
beginning of Humanity’s awakening and a crucial stage in the process of
liberating the human mind from our fear-based, fragmented human ego’s
paralyzing grip of fear and misinformation. In the midst of unrivaled,
barbaric darkness, the first Renaissance birthed a civilization of a
higher order.
When we arrived in Florence, the Company of Heaven reminded us that October 12, 1492,
is the day that acknowledges Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of
America. The name America is an anagram for the I AM Race. That name is
intended to represent a “race” of God-conscious souls involving the vast
diversity of all Humanity. The I AM Race involves every race, religion,
gender, life-style, nationality, creed, and culture on Earth coming
together in Oneness to live in freedom, peace, abundance, happiness,
spirituality, and every other attribute of God. The Divine Intent for
the establishment of America during the first Renaissance was for
Humanity to cocreate a New World of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.
Even though we have fallen far from that goal, our Founding Fathers were
aware of that Divine Potential and included those archetypes in the
sacred documents initiating the United States of America.
On October 12, 2013,
the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity expanded
the portal of the Renaissance of Divine Love to envelope Florence.
During that event the patterns of perfection for the Divine Government
that is associated with the New Earth were secured through the
transformer of our unified Heart Flames and anchored in the physical
plane of Earth. As these patterns filter into hearts and conscious minds
of the people in every land, we will witness the birth of a Higher
Order of Being involving governments and the people involved in
governments from this time forward.
the next two days, we visited the wonders and historical places of
Florence. As we did, the patterns for our Renaissance of Divine Love
continued to flow through the newly opened portal and our transformer
into the physical plane. These patterns
contain the beauty and marvels of previously unknown expressions of art,
music, dance, literature, and every other artistic expression from the
Causal Body of God. They also include exquisite patterns associated with
the New Earth, patterns that are beyond the comprehension of our finite
minds. These glorious patterns will be perceived only through the heart
and mind of Christ Consciousness.
On October 14th,
we continued our Pilgrimage to Venice, the mystical Italian city
associated with Love. The reason Venice is considered the city of Love
is because of its connection to our sister planet Venus and the
Celestial Temple of Divine Love that pulsates in the ethers above
Venice. This temple is a replica of the Temple of Love that exists in
the Celestial Realms above Venus. That is the temple from which the
planetary Logos Sanat Kumara, the Being of Light referred to in the
Bible as The Ancient of Days, and his Divine Complement, Lady Venus,
came to assist the Earth.
Kumara and Lady Venus have been holding the Earth and all Life evolving
upon her in their Love-filled luminous Presence for millions of years.
Aeons ago, the planetary Logos from Venus volunteered to hold the Earth
and all her Life in their embrace of Divine Love until Humanity could
awaken enough to do this for ourselves. Their decision was made after
the evolutions of Earth fell into such dense patterns of separation and
duality that it looked as if the Earth would not survive.
Kumara and Lady Venus never gave up on us knowing that one day Humanity
would awaken and return to Christ Consciousness, reclaiming our Divine
Birthright as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. They knew that when
this happened, Humanity would return to the path of Divine Love that is
our destiny, and that their selfless Divine Intervention would be
brought to victorious fruition. This is the Cosmic Moment that Sanat
Kumara and Lady Venus have been anticipating for literally millions of
information may seem new to you, but every person evolving on this
planet has etheric records and deep seated memories of the sacrifice
made by Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus in order to prevent the Earth and
Humanity from descending into oblivion. Once you assimilate the
frequencies of the New Earth, you will be able to consciously perceive
what it means for the Earth to have reclaimed her rightful place in our
Solar System, an event that took place on December 21, 2012.
Then you will realize the incredible assistance that all of our sisters
and brothers, not only in this Solar System but throughout the Cosmos,
have given to Humanity and the Earth during our miraculous Ascension
process back into the Light.
our Pilgrimage arrived in Venice, we experienced an obvious shift and
were flooded with higher frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love than
we had ever known. Our unified Heart Flames expanded exponentially, and
our transformer intensified until it embraced the entire length and
breadth of Italy. The Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every
man, woman, and child on Earth reveled in the newly activated level of
Christ Consciousness now pulsating through every person’s pineal gland.
Each one realized that Humanity was at long last ready to reclaim our
responsibility of sustaining the path of Oneness, Divine Love, and
Reverence for ALL Life in the physical world of form on Planet Earth.
we gathered for our activity of Light during our first evening in
Venice, the Hierarch of the Temple of Love above Venice, Paul the
Venetian, projected his luminous Presence into the atmosphere above
Italy. This Being of Light is an exponent of Divine Love, and he is one
of the Mighty Kumaras who came to Earth from Venus millions of years ago
to receive and sustain the Light and Love from Sanat Kumara and Lady
Venus. His selfless service to Humanity and the Earth is acknowledged
throughout all Creation.
the Venetian and the entire Company of Heaven joined in consciousness
with the I AM Presence of every person evolving on Earth through
Humanity’s newly awakened level of Christ Consciousness. Together we
invoked the most intensified frequencies of Divine Love the Earth has
ever known. As we held the sacred space through the transformer of our
unified Heart Flames, our Father-Mother God breathed this unfathomable
Divine Love into the core of purity within every atomic and subatomic
particle and wave of Life on Earth. Once that was accomplished the
unprecedented frequencies of Divine Love flowed into the spaces
in-between the particles and waves lifting the Earth and ALL her Life
into a frequency of Divine Love that enabled the Company of Heaven and
the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to permanently open to full breadth the portal for the Renaissance of Divine Love.
the God Victorious accomplishment of this wondrous event, our mission
for the remainder of our stay in Venice was to work with the Company of
Heaven and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, helping each one
to assimilate the patterns of perfection for the Renaissance of Divine
Love through his or her Heart Flame and their newly awakened level of
Christ Consciousness.
Our sacred Pilgrimage was brought to fruition on October 17th.
On that day, we traveled to our various destinations around the world
to anchor the patterns for the Renaissance of Divine Love, and to
prepare for the unprecedented purging that would occur during the two
weeks of the powerful upcoming Eclipses. During the period of time
between the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 18th and the New Moon Solar Eclipse on November 3rd,
the Light of God pushed to the surface the residue of our human
miscreations and the patterns of separation and duality associated with
the old Earth. The Divine Intent of this incredibly intense purging is
to clear the way for the patterns of the Renaissance of Divine Love now
flowing through the newly opened portal in Italy.
a gift from On High, the Company of Heaven have given us the initial
impulse of the patterns of perfection that are flowing through the newly
opened portal in Italy. These patterns are just the beginning of the
wonders we will experience as this process unfolds moment by moment. The
Beings of Light have assured us that the events awaiting us as the New
Earth is incorporated into our lives are glorious beyond our greatest
hopes and dreams.
have been downloading these patterns from the Causal Body of our
Father-Mother God for some time. Now, through the miracles that have
taken place since the birth of the New Earth, these patterns are
anchored within every person’s Heart Flame. This was accomplished
through the Divine Intervention of every person’s I AM Presence. These
patterns will now daily and hourly filter into each one’s heart and
mind. Day by day these patterns will resonate more tangibly as viable
options for Humanity’s life experiences on Earth. Then through our
thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories Humanity will
cocreate the Divine Love, Reverence for ALL Life, and Oneness of the New
Earth as a tangible Reality.
Patterns of Perfection for the New Renaissance of Divine Love
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.
One Heartbeat, One Breath, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration, and
Consciousness of Pure Divine Love we Invoke our omniscient, omnipresent,
omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is, and the
entire Company of Heaven.
of Light, join with me and every man, woman, and child on Earth as we
draw the patterns of perfection for our New Renaissance of Divine Love
through the portal in Italy, and cocreate them in the world of form
through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories.
And we begin...
I AM magnetizing the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.
I AM magnetizing Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Flawless Form into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.
AM magnetizing perfect Health Habits, perfect Eating and Drinking
Habits, perfect Exercise, Work, Relaxation, and Recreation Habits, and
perfect Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits into my
life and the lives of ALL Humanity.
AM magnetizing Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration,
Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective
Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the
Family of Humanity into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.
AM magnetizing Eternal Peace, Divine Government, Cooperation, Fairness,
Balance, Harmony, and Reverence for ALL Life into my life and the lives
of ALL Humanity.
AM magnetizing Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A
Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment,
Divine Consciousness, and Clear and Truthful Perception into my life and
the lives of ALL Humanity.
AM magnetizing Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the
Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms into my life
and the lives of ALL Humanity.
AM magnetizing Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance,
Movement, Art, and Education into my life and the lives of ALL
AM magnetizing Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression,
Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe into my life and
the lives of ALL Humanity.
AM magnetizing Heaven on Earth, our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, and
our Renaissance of Divine Love into my life and the lives of ALL
AM my I AM Presence and I ACCEPT and KNOW that these patterns of
perfection for our New Renaissance of Divine Love are manifesting in my
life and the lives of ALL Humanity daily and hourly with every breath I
also ACCEPT and KNOW that my Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Solar Violet Flame is instantly transmuting any thought,
feeling, word, action, belief, or memory I may express that might block
or prevent these patterns of Divine Love from manifesting in my life or
the lives of ALL Humanity.
In deep Humility, Divine Love, and Gratitude I Decree, It is done. And so it is.
Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.
©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.