The Holy Spirit,
Enlightenment and Our
Vibrational Frequency
by Louis Hoolaeff HR
For several years
and since the start of the 7th Golden Age, which is the new cycle
that began on December 2012, our Earth and everything on it is being flooded
with higher frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love. Everything is being
accelerated as our bodies are transformed from carbon-based planetary cells
into Crystalline-based Solar Light cells. Our Earth is cleansing and raising
its' vibrational frequency through increased geophysical events.
This influx of
Transfiguring Divine Love, working in unison with the influx of the 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, will cleanse us and lift us up in ways that
will astound and amaze even the most skeptical person. Is this the
enlightenment that many are seeking? Is this the beginning of the ascension as
spoken of in the Bible? Pay attention and expect miracles!
In order to keep
up with these higher frequencies we must care for our physical bodies. A
healthy organic diet free of pesticides, hormones and other added toxins is
essential. Live plant foods and live whole food supplements are important
facets of attaining enlightenment. If we are not preparing the body for
enlightenment, the mind and soul cannot become enlightened. The feminine aspect
of God is the Holy Spirit in the spiritual realm and is expressed by Mother
Earth in the physical realm. But the Holy Spirit is really everywhere and is
everything because it is the vibration of life itself. The Holy Spirit can only
fully enter a body that is adequately prepared for it.
If the vibration
of the body is too low, the Holy Spirit cannot add to the soul's vibrational
rate. The body would not be able to handle the increase in vibrational
spiritual energy. Eating correctly and being fully active play important roles
on the vibrational rate of our body; otherwise the vibrational rate of the body
may remain too low for major spiritual advancements to occur.
Putting drugs,
alcohol or unhealthy foods in our bodies is an offence against the body and
likewise offends the Holy Spirit as our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
How do you feel when you walk into a public washroom and it is disgusting? How
do you feel crawling into a bed that has freshly washed sheets? Do you see the
difference? Would you defile a church
of God? We defile our own temple
when we eat unhealthy foods, drink alcohol to excess, take illicit drugs and
think unholy thoughts. This also includes the reliability on medicinal drugs
which lowers our vibrational frequency. Even though medicinal drugs might be
necessary on a short term basis, high quality, high frequency foods and ultra
powerful whole food supplements can overcome this need for medicinal drugs.
To learn how we can
raise our vibrational frequency, visit our blog…
Our site explains how
to raise our vibrational frequency by eliminating practically any illness with
ultra powerful high
quality whole food supplements, follow our Educational Health blog…
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