Sunday, 3 July 2016

Who Am I and Why Am I Here?

Who Am I and Why Am I Here?
These are confusing and challenging times. People everywhere are asking questions and seeking viable solutions to the difficult situations surfacing in their individual lives and around the globe. In the midst of chaos, answers to the problems seem illusive, so people in unprecedented numbers are reaching out to a Higher Power. Every single day there are billions of people on this planet who in one way or another ask God for assistance and Divine Intervention in there lives. But we ourselves have the ability to make a positive difference in the world.

This has been a roller-coaster time of miracles and challenges. It seems as though these extreme experiences are being used to wake Humanity up at warp speed. No matter how hard people may try, their I AM Presence is not allowing them to push the snooze button in order to go back to sleep. It is time for people everywhere to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during this auspicious moment. Important changes are taking place, and in spite of outer-world appearances, we are beginning to see evidence of people in every walk of life reaching out to make a positive difference.

According to the Company of Heaven, 2011/12 has been auspicious year that is moving the Earth and all her Life up the spiral of evolution into frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love beyond anything we have ever experienced. Myriad activities of Light will occur this year that are Divinely Designed to prepare every particle of Life on Earth to withstand this increased frequency of Divine Love at an atomic, cellular level.

Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want this influx of Divine Love to assist Humanity in ways that will enhance our Earthly experience, not wreak havoc in our lives. This purging process is a critical step in our Ascension process, and it is preparing Humanity at a cellular level for the unprecedented influx of Light that is destined to occur throughout the remainder of 2011/12.and beyond.

If you are alert to the news media or communicating with people around the world, you know that there are all kinds of reports of cataclysmic earth changes occurring. These reports are coming from every conceivable source, including some ancient indigenous cultures, as well as some scientific forecasts

This revivified interest in dramatic earth changes is not occurring by chance. In fact, a cataclysmic purging is exactly what was expected to occur in the original Divine Plan after the Shift of the Ages. That type of cleansing was thought to be a necessary factor in creating the environment for Earth’s Ascension, so the old Earth could pass away. Now people are tuning in, to those obsolete predictions and reporting them as though they are still destined to occur. However, that is not the case. Everything has changed. Those old predictions are no longer viable, and the cataclysmic earth changes are no longer necessary. Now there is a powerful contingency plan in place that was co-created over the past 30 years by Lightworkers around the world who are working in unison with the Company of Heaven.

The Earth is a living, breathing organism, and she is going to cleanse and purge herself of the atrocities Humanity has inflicted upon her. The important thing to understand is that this cleansing can be done through Light and an influx of Divine Love rather than through destructive earth changes. That is where the Lightworkers come into the picture. We are now being called to a new level of Divine Service.

Yes indeed! We ARE the Ones We have been waiting for!
Excerpted from the book … (Available from… Who Am I? Why Am I Here?’
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose nonprofit educational organization.
Visit the website for articles and Enlightening information and where we all fit into this stage of life… 
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